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The Definitive Guide to Making a Corporate Video

If you've never done it before, the thought of creating a corporate video might be a little daunting at first. Questions like, how long should it be, who will feature in the video, how much will it cost to produce and who will watch it will almost certainly come up. If the video isn't up to scratch, it reflects poorly on the business. In this article we'll dive into the crucial steps needed to produce a quality corporate video you can be proud of and use to effectively deliver a positive ROI.

Corporate video for National Dental Care.

Corporate Video

A corporate video in today's age is arguably the most effective method of corporate communication - be it to provide general information about a company, describe the features and benefits of a new product, recruit staff or simply present and visualise the outer workings of the business. Your corporate video is going to be front and centre. It should tell the story of your brand, sell the professionalism of your business and present the company as the authority in your area of business. Done correctly, the production process for your corporate video will deliver your company as a hero. However, done incorrectly, it can damage the perception of your brand. Here's how to do it well.


There are three key stages to any good video production: pre-production, production and post production. Beginning with the preproduction process will ensure a successful outcome for your corporate video. Here's a general overview of the process:

  1. Define the Purpose and Goals: Start by clearly understanding the purpose of the video. Is it to promote a new product, explain a concept, or showcase company culture? Determine the goals you want to achieve through the video, such as increasing brand awareness or improving employee engagement.

  2. Audience Analysis: Identify your target audience for the video. Understand their demographics, preferences, and needs. This analysis will help you tailor the video content and style to resonate with your intended viewers.

  3. Concept Development: Brainstorm and develop creative ideas for the video. Consider the key message, tone, and style that will effectively communicate your intended purpose and engage your target audience. Create a concept or storyline that aligns with your goals.

  4. Scriptwriting: Write a script that outlines the dialogue, narration, and actions for the video. Ensure the script is clear, concise, and aligns with the overall concept. Incorporate any key messages, branding elements, or calls to action that need to be included.

  5. Location Scouting: Determine the locations where the video will be shot. Whether it's your company office, a specific venue, or outdoor settings, assess the suitability of each location for the desired shots. Consider factors such as lighting, background noise, and accessibility.

  6. Casting and Talent: If the video requires actors or presenters, identify and audition suitable individuals who can effectively convey your message. This could involve hiring professional actors or using company employees for a more authentic touch. Ensure the selected talent aligns with your target audience and the overall concept.

  7. Production Planning: Create a detailed production plan that outlines all logistical aspects, including shooting schedule, equipment needs, crew requirements, and any necessary permits. Consider factors such as availability of talent, crew, and equipment, and create a realistic timeline.

  8. Budgeting: Estimate the costs associated with the video production, including equipment rental, location fees, talent fees, crew expenses, post-production, and any other related expenses. Allocate a budget for each item and track expenditures throughout the process.

  9. Preparing Shot Lists: Based on the storyboard, create shot lists that outline each specific shot required for the video. Include details such as camera angles, movements, and any additional instructions for the crew.

  10. Gathering Resources: Arrange all the necessary resources for the shoot, including cameras, lighting equipment, sound equipment, props, and any other required items. Ensure everything is in working order and readily available on the shoot day.

  11. Pre-production Meeting: Conduct a pre-production meeting with the key people involved in the video production. Review the concept, script, shot lists, shooting schedule, and any other important details. Ensure everyone is on the same page and understands their roles and responsibilities.

By following these preproduction steps, you can effectively plan and prepare for the production phase of your corporate video, setting a strong foundation for creating a high-quality and impactful final product.

Behind the scenes on a corporate video
Behind the scenes on a corporate video production for DesignInc.


Once you've completed pre-production, the next phase is to move to production. The production process for making a corporate video involves the actual filming or recording of the video content. Here's a breakdown of the steps involved in the production phase:

  1. Set Preparation: Arrive at the location early and prepare the set. This involves setting up lighting equipment, arranging props, and ensuring the area is clean and organised. Test the lighting and make any necessary adjustments to create the desired atmosphere.

  2. Equipment Setup: Set up the cameras, audio recording equipment, and any additional equipment required for the shoot. Ensure all equipment is functioning properly and properly calibrated. Test audio levels and conduct visual checks to ensure everything is in order.

  3. Rehearsals: If there are actors or presenters involved, conduct rehearsals to ensure they are comfortable with their roles and lines. Use this time to fine-tune their performances, adjust blocking or movements, and ensure they deliver the desired message effectively.

  4. Filming/Recording: Begin filming or recording according to the shot lists and shooting schedule established during preproduction. Follow the script and capture each shot as planned, adjusting camera angles, movements, and compositions as necessary. Pay attention to details such as lighting, sound, and framing.

  5. Multiple Takes: It's common to shoot multiple takes of each shot to ensure you have options during the post-production phase. This allows you to choose the best performances, angles, and sequences when editing the final video.

  6. B-roll Footage: Alongside the primary shots, capture additional B-roll footage. B-roll refers to supplementary footage that helps support and enhance the main content. This can include shots of the company premises, product demonstrations, customer interactions, or any relevant visuals that add depth to the video.

  7. Communication and Collaboration: Maintain clear communication with the crew, talent, and other team members throughout the production process. Ensure everyone is aware of any changes or adjustments, and collaborate closely to achieve the desired results.

  8. Review and Playback: Periodically review the recorded footage on set to ensure the shots are turning out as intended. This allows you to catch any technical issues, make adjustments if necessary, and ensure the overall quality of the footage.

  9. Time Management: Efficiently manage the shooting schedule to stay on track and make the most of the available time. Monitor progress, adjust timelines if needed, and ensure all essential shots are captured within the allocated timeframe.

  10. Backup and Storage: Regularly back up the recorded footage to prevent any loss or damage. Use multiple storage devices to ensure the safety of the footage until post-production.

  11. Wrap: Once all planned shots have been captured, conclude the production phase. Properly dismantle the set, pack up equipment, and ensure the location is left in the same condition as it was found. Finally, it's always nice touch to thank everyone involved in the production for their time and expertise before driving away.

Remember that the production process requires effective coordination, attention to detail, and adaptability to ensure a successful outcome.

Corporate video for AstraPool.


Finally, the post-production process for making a corporate video involves editing and enhancing the footage captured during the production phase to complete the video. Here's a breakdown of the steps involved in the post-production phase:

  1. Import and Organise Footage: Transfer all the recorded footage from the production phase to your editing software. Organise the footage in a structured manner, creating folders and subfolders to easily locate and access specific shots.

  2. Selecting the Best Takes: Review all the footage and select the best takes for each shot. Consider factors such as performance, composition, lighting, and audio quality. Create a rough assembly of the video by placing the selected shots in chronological order.

  3. Video Editing: Using your video editing software (such as Adobe Premiere Pro, Final Cut Pro, or DaVinci Resolve), edit the footage according to the script. Trim and rearrange clips to create a coherent narrative or sequence. Add transitions, titles, graphics, and visual effects as needed. Ensure a smooth flow and pacing throughout the video.

  4. Audio Editing: Enhance the audio quality of the video. Adjust levels to balance dialogue, background music, and sound effects. Remove any unwanted noise, echo, or distortion. Add voiceovers, narrations, or additional audio elements as required.

  5. Colour Correction and Grading: Apply colour correction and grading techniques to ensure a consistent and visually appealing look. Adjust brightness, contrast, saturation, and colour balance to achieve the desired mood and tone. Maintain consistency across shots and scenes.

  6. Motion Graphics and Animation: If the video requires motion graphics or animations, create or incorporate them during this stage. Add lower thirds, titles, logo animations, or any other graphical elements that enhance the visual appeal and reinforce branding.

  7. Music and Sound Design: Select appropriate background music or create an original score that complements the video's message and tone. Mix the audio elements to create a balanced and immersive sound experience. Add sound effects, if needed, to enhance specific scenes or actions.

  8. Transitions and Effects: Where appropriate, apply transitions such as fades, dissolves, or wipes, to smoothen the cuts between shots. Add visual effects, overlays, or animations to enhance specific moments or convey information effectively. Ensure that effects are used judiciously and support the overall message.

  9. Review and Revisions: Review the edited video multiple times to ensure it aligns with the initial goals and requirements. Seek feedback from stakeholders, clients, or colleagues and make necessary revisions or adjustments based on their input. Iteratively refine the video until it meets the desired standards.

  10. Exporting and Encoding: Once the editing and revisions are complete, export the final video in the desired format. Choose an appropriate resolution and compression settings for the intended delivery platform (such as YouTube, Vimeo, or internal company networks). Optimise the video for online streaming or other specific requirements.

  11. Distribution and Sharing: Share the final video with relevant stakeholders or clients. Upload it to appropriate platforms, embed it on websites, or distribute it via email or other channels as per the video's intended reach. Consider implementing proper video SEO techniques if needed.

  12. Archiving and Backup: Safely archive all the project files, including the original footage, project files, and any associated assets. Maintain backups to prevent data loss and ensure future access if any changes or updates are required.

The post-production process allows you to shape and refine the raw footage into a polished and impactful corporate video. Attention to detail, creativity, and effective communication with stakeholders are crucial during this phase to deliver a final product that meets the desired objectives.

Corporate video for Infomedia.

That's a wrap!

We hope this article has helped shed light on the extensive process involved in corporate video production. If it's all too much and rather hire a professional, the GLOBAL team would love to help. Established in 2007, Global Pictures have produced hundreds of corporate videos for a wide variety of companies and industries. To find out more, simply get in touch with us here.

A corporate video being filmed
Production of a corporate video for Neptune CRM


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