COVID-19 Video Production Policy
COVID-19 Policy
COVID-19 Health and Safety Protocols
The wellbeing of our clients, cast and crew during video production activities is important to us. In line with the advice from Screen NSW and NSW Health, screen production is able to continue within NSW with COVID safe measures in place. Productions in other states shall operate as per the relevant individual state directives. To ensure the safety of everyone involved on our productions we have adopted a series of health protocols.
Where the State Government has mandated it, face masks are to be worn during production for all people on set, except where it is reasonable to be removed (for example, actors or presenters who are on camera during filming).
General social distancing where practicable.
No cast or crew members who have any cold/flu like symptoms are permitted on set.
Anyone exhibiting symptoms of illness prior to the shoot must declare this to the Producer so alternative cast or crew arrangements can be made.
Cast or Crew currently being tested or have come into contact with a COVID-19 case will not be permitted on set and must stay home as per Government Health directions.
Where practicable, camera assistants shall use wireless follow focus equipment to assist with social distancing during filming.
Production monitors shall be cabled at least 2 meters from camera so that persons viewing via monitor are able to maintain a safe distance from one another.
Crew and other parties will be kept to a minimum on sets to reduce social interaction.
Equipment must only be handled by the equipment owner and their appointed assistant.
Those involved in the production shall adhere to any location specific protocols in place at indoor venues (such as offices or studios). This may include scanning in with QR codes and any staff interaction rules.
Anyone who resides within an LGA of Concern are not permitted to leave their LGAs for work and must make their situation known to the Producer so alternative cast or crew arrangements can be made.
Anyone who resides outside of an LGA of Concern and is required to enter an LGA of concern for work must register their travel with the relevant government authority.